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What is hydrocephalus?

The term hydrocephalus, which consists of two words hydro (water) and safal (skull), refers to the accumulation of water inside the skull. As you know, a clear fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows around the brain and in spaces called brain ventricles. This fluid is produced in the ventricles and moves towards the brain and around the spinal cord and washes the nerve tissues and then is absorbed into the blood in the upper part of the skull. Now, if for any reason cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the skull with an abnormal volume, which occurs in the ventricles most of the time, hydrocephalus will occur.

Hydrocephalus is one of the diseases that can happen to anyone at any age, but it is more likely to occur in babies and adults over 60 years old. According to the statistics obtained from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), it is believed that one to two out of every thousand children born have hydrocephalus, and usually this problem occurs before birth, during delivery or early The birth of the child will be recognized.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus

It is one of the diseases that can cause serious damage to the brain, so knowing its symptoms is essential for timely diagnosis. On the other hand, hydrocephalus symptoms are very different from person to person and in different age groups. The probability of hydrocephalus in babies and hydrocephalus in children is higher than other ages, but adults can also get this disease.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in babies

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in toddlers and teenagers

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in adults

Types of hydrocephalus

Congenital hydrocephalus

Congenital hydrocephalus is a type of hydrocephalus that was present at birth and is usually caused by unknown events during fetal development or genetic abnormalities.

Acquired hydrocephalus

Acquired hydrocephalus usually occurs at birth or in adulthood and is caused by injuries or diseases of the central nervous system.

Communicative hydrocephalus

Communicative hydrocephalus occurs when there is no obstruction in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricular system. This condition occurs due to insufficient absorption of cerebrospinal fluid or an abnormal increase in the amount of this fluid.

Non-communicating (obstructive) hydrocephalus

Noncommunicating or obstructive hydrocephalus occurs when the flow of cerebrospinal fluid is blocked in one or more of the communicating passages between the ventricles. This type of hydrocephalus will lead to the dilation of the upper channels of the cerebrospinal fluid flow and as a result increase the intracranial pressure.

Normal pressure hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus with normal pressure is a type of relational hydrocephalus that can occur at any age, but most cases are diagnosed in the elderly. The characteristic of hydrocele with normal pressure is dilated ventricles with normal intracranial and vertebral pressure.

Vacuum hydrocephalus (ex-vacuum)

Vacuum hydrocephalus or ex-vacuum is mostly seen in the elderly. Vacuum hydrocephalus occurs when a neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s dementia, stroke, or brain trauma, leads to a lesion in the brain and degeneration of brain tissues.

Congenital hydrocephalus

Inherited genetic abnormalities that can block the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Babies with developmental disorders such as birth defects in the brain, spine or spinal cord.

Congenital hydrocephalus can also be a complication of premature birth and bleeding of the ventricles.
Among other things that can be mentioned as the cause of fetal hydrocephalus is infection during pregnancy. For example, catching rubella or syphilis during pregnancy can lead to inflammation in the brain tissue of the fetus.

Congenital hydrocephalus is one of the most common abnormalities that can affect the nervous system of the fetus or newborn. Now, since this complication can cause many problems, the time to diagnose hydrocephalus in the fetus is very important.

In the past, the shunt method was traditionally used to identify and treat this disease, but today it is possible to diagnose hydrocephalus in ultrasound. In fact, the ultrasound of the fetus shows that the ventricles of the brain are growing abnormally, in this case the doctor realizes that there is a problem. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult the best neurologist to get the necessary guidance.

Diagnosis of hydrocephalus in children

Brain ultrasound: One of the most effective ways to diagnose this disease is to use high-frequency sound waves to receive images from the brain. This diagnosis method is mostly done when the skull or the seams of the baby’s skull are open.

The appearance of a newborn baby: Another way to recognize hydrocephalus is by paying attention to the appearance of a newborn baby. If these children have such a problem, they have a large head and skull, which is completely clear after birth, and the doctor can notice such a problem by measuring the head circumference of the baby. Other symptoms such as frequent vomiting, convulsions and restlessness can also indicate this problem.

CT scan: CT scan is a type of imaging that is done with the help of X-rays. The result of this imaging shows the brain and its ventricles completely. Of course, this method is not recommended because of its disadvantages.

MRI: Among the other methods of diagnosing hydrocephalus in a child, MRI can be mentioned. This method is used to evaluate the amount of fluid accumulated in the brain, and since magnetic field and radio waves are used in this method, it can be a suitable and practical method for diagnosing this condition.

Diagnosis of hydrocephalus

To prevent severe hydrocephalus in the fetus and even in adults, this disease must be diagnosed immediately. Therefore, if you experience the symptoms of this condition, see the best neurologist. The doctor first performs a clinical evaluation to know the patient’s condition. Then, for a more accurate diagnosis, he will also prescribe other tests, which include:

Computed tomography scan (CT scan)
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
lumbar puncture (spinal tap)
Intracranial pressure monitoring
Isotopic cisternography

Performing these tests and the results they bring help the doctor to make a correct diagnosis of the severity of the disease and its possible cause. Therefore, when you suspect hydrocephalus, consult an online neurologist to get the necessary guidance and not threaten your health.

Treatment of hydrocephalus

Having a proper diet

Proper diet is very suitable in the treatment and prevention of this disease. Therefore, if you can use a diet that nourishes your body well, the probability of developing this disease will be very low. Therefore, if your doctor diagnoses you with mild hydrocephalus, determine the right diet for you.

For example, a detoxification diet consisting of fruits helps you eliminate all the toxins from your body. For this, you need to eat only fruits without adding sugar or salt for a few days. Also, in this diet, you should avoid sugar, refined flour, dairy products, sausage, sausage, coffee, chocolate, snacks, etc.

Herbal treatment of hydrocephalus

Does hydrocephalus surgery have complications?

Yes; Unfortunately, both of these surgical methods provide the possibility of problems due to their invasiveness. For example, the shunt system may not be able to remove excess fluid well due to mechanical problems, infection, or blockage.

Also, even though endoscopy is newer than this method, it carries risks such as bleeding and infection.

Of course, the important point is that since this disease is more acute in children due to the long-term complications it can leave behind, you must visit health centers or special clinics every once in a while and take the child away from He checked things like head size, overall body growth, muscle tone, coordination of body parts, skeletal ability and senses of sight, hearing or touch.

What is the life expectancy of people with hydrocephalus?

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