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What is dyslexia and how is it treated?

Dyslexia is a specific learning problem. Unfortunately, dyslexia is a lifelong problem that can pose challenges in the daily life of the sick person.

What is dyslexia disorder?

Although there is no definitive cure for this disease, an early visit to a neurologist can provide the best results for its treatment.

What are the symptoms of dyslexia?

A person with this condition can show the following symptoms:

He should read and write very slowly.
Confuse the order of letters in words.
Misspells letters that look similar. (e.g. Z and D)
They have weak or contradictory spelling.
It is difficult for him to do some things.
It has problems with planning and organization.


Signs that a young child may be at risk for dyslexia include:

Speaking Late
Learn new words slowly
Learning to play harsh lullabies or playing rhythmic games

School Age

Reading lower than expected for one’s age
Difficulty processing and understanding what he hears.
Difficulty spelling words
Spending an unusually large amount of time on tasks that involve writing and reading.
Avoid activities that require reading.

Teens & Adults

The symptoms of dyslexia in adults and adolescents are the same as those in children.

Difficulty reading, including reading aloud
Slow and very laborious reading and writing
Difficulty spelling words
Avoid activities that require reading.
Mispronunciation of words or names or difficulty remembering words
Difficulty understanding jokes or phrases that have a certain meaning or are not understood according to specific simple words (idioms), such as “like drinking water” which means “simply.”
Spending an unusually large amount of time on tasks that involve writing and reading.
Difficulty summarizing a story, learning a foreign language, memorizing it, solving math problems

However, according to neurologists, people with dyslexia often have good skills in other areas, such as creative thinking and problem-solving.

Supporting people with dyslexia learning disorder

With the right support, there is usually no reason why your child can’t go to a regular school. Although a small number of children with dyslexia may need to attend a specialized school.

Techniques and supports that can help your child include:

Teaching lesson tips one-on-one in a small group with an expert teacher
Phonics (a method of teaching children to recognize and process the smaller sounds that make up words) along with other techniques

Schools and universities should support students with a specific learning problem, such as dyslexia, and have access to expert staff trained to help students with special educational needs.

If you think your child may have dyslexia or dyslexia, the first step is to talk to their teacher or talk about your concerns. He or she may be able to suggest better strategies to help your child if necessary.

If your child is still having problems despite the extra support, you should ask the neurologist to evaluate and diagnose specific learning difficulties more accurately.

What is the cause of dyslexia?

For people with dyslexia, it is difficult to distinguish the different sounds that make up words and their association with letters. Dyslexia has nothing to do with a person’s overall level of intelligence. Children and adults with all intellectual abilities can be affected by this disease.

The causes of dyslexia are unknown. But it’s thought that certain genes inherited from your parents may work together in ways that affect how some parts of the brain develop early in life.

How to diagnose dyslexia

The only way to be sure that someone has dyslexia is to have a thorough evaluation done at school or private clinics by a neurologist. Early diagnosis can lead to better support, proper school services, and more support at campus and the workplace.

Several types of specialists can assess people for their likelihood of developing dyslexia, including school psychologists, clinical psychologists, and neuropsychologists.

The psychologist proposes several tests to diagnose dyslexia or dyslexia. More tests may also be needed to better identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses.

Some hospitals may also be conducting research projects where people can be evaluated for free.

How to treat learning to read dyslexia

There is no known way to treat dyslexia disorder that causes abnormal brain function and causes dyslexia or dyslexia disorder to heal. Therefore, this problem will be with the person for the rest of his life. However, early diagnosis and assessment of the specific needs of these patients and action for appropriate treatment can increase the likelihood of success in the treatment of dyslexia.

To treat this disease, the following points should be paid attention to:

Use of Teaching Techniques

Dyslexia can be treated using specific educational techniques and approaches, but the sooner these interventions are started, the better. Psychological tests help your child’s teachers develop an appropriate educational program.

Teachers can use auditory, sight, and tactile techniques to improve their study skills.

How to treat dyslexia in children will focus on helping him in the following areas:

Learn to recognize the smallest sounds and use them to form words (identifying the pronunciation of words and sounds)
Understanding the letters and strings of letters that these sounds and words represent (phonology)
Understanding what the child is reading.
Read aloud to increase accuracy, speed, and articulation while reading (fluent)
Creating a Dictionary of Recognized and Understood Words

Holding educational sessions with a reading specialist can be helpful for many children with dyslexia. If your child has a severe reading disability, the number of learning sessions may increase and progress may progress more slowly.

Individualized Training Program

In some countries, including the United States, schools have a legal requirement to help children with dyslexia and improve their learning difficulties. Talk to your child’s teacher to hold a meeting and create a structured written plan that identifies the children’s needs and how the school will help them succeed. The program is called the Individual Education Program (IEP).

Early treatment

They are likely to fall behind others in terms of education and may never even reach their level. A child with severe dyslexia may never be able to study easily but can learn skills to improve this and develop strategies to perform better in school and improve their quality of life.

What can parents do to treat dyslexia in children?

Diagnose the problem early

If you suspect that your child has this condition, consult a neurologist. Early diagnosis can increase the chances of success in treatment.

Read aloud to your child

It’s best to start this when your baby is six months old or even younger. Try listening to audiobooks with your child. When your child is old enough, read storybooks together.

Collaborate with your child’s school

Talk to your child’s teacher about how school will help him succeed. You are the best supporter of your child.

Encourage him to study

A child needs to practice to improve their study skills. Encourage your child to read.

Be your child’s role model

While your child is also studying, dedicate some time of the day to reading. Doing so will make you a role model. Show your child that reading can be enjoyable.

What should adults with dyslexia do?

Adults with dyslexia may face difficulties in getting employed. As such people, you can do the following to help yourself:
Get help from a neurologist and use his or her tips for writing and reading, regardless of your age.
Tell your employer your circumstances and look to attend more training sessions.

Educational problems do not necessarily mean that a person with dyslexia cannot be successful. Rather, capable students with this disease will be completely successful if they have access to the right resources. Many people with this condition are intelligent and creative, and they may have talents in math, science, or the arts. Some will even become very good writers.

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