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Asperger Syndrome

Asperger syndrome disease

What is Asperger syndrome?

Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is one of the neurological disorders known as a part of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). According to psychiatric experts, this syndrome is considered at the end of the spectrum due to the severity of its milder symptoms.

He observed autism-like behaviors and problems related to social and communication skills in boys who had natural intelligence and the ability to develop language skills.

Today, it is known that children and adults with this syndrome usually have symptoms such as difficulty in social interaction, repetitive behaviors, excessive stubbornness on what they think and obsessive focus on normal rules and routines.

Asperger’s syndrome sufferers are usually classified in the “high-functioning autism spectrum disorder” group. Because unlike many people with autism spectrum disorder, this category of patients does not have a delay in learning language and cognitive skills.

So that they often have natural or above-normal intelligence and can even be educated in normal school classes with normal children and get a job in the future.

Symptoms of Asperger syndrome in children

Symptoms usually vary from child to child, but most children with Asperger’s syndrome tend to focus obsessively on a particular subject.

Usually, the affected child is unaware of the other person’s attempt to change the topic of the conversation, and for this reason, she has problems in her social interactions.

These children are unable to recognize facial expressions and body language and usually avoid eye contact when talking to others.

Children with Asperger’s disorder may not understand the subtleties of language such as sarcasm and humor, and they generally speak with a tone of voice and a facial expression, and they do not have the power to reduce the volume of the voice at certain times. They may have difficulty with basic motor skills such as running or walking.

Of course, you should know that children with autism are often withdrawn and uninterested in others. But this is not the case with children with Asperger’s syndrome, who usually want to be the center of attention and interact with others, but often do not know how to do this.

Symptoms of Asperger syndrome in adults

Emotional and behavioral symptoms

Repetitive behaviors: Repetitive behaviors are common symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, which may include doing a certain task every morning before starting work, turning something a certain number of times, or opening a door a certain way.

Inability to understand emotional issues: Adults with Asperger syndrome may have problems interpreting and understanding social or emotional issues, such as sadness or frustration.

First-person focus: Adults with this syndrome usually react harshly to their own behavior and speech when others empathize or worry. Because they tend to see the world from their first-person perspective.

Emotional response

Abnormal response to sensory stimuli

Communication signs

Positive symptoms
Adults with Asperger syndrome may exhibit symptoms that can be considered positive. For example, these people often have a remarkable ability to concentrate. They can focus on an issue or problem for a long time, especially if it is interesting to them. In addition, paying attention to details may make them significantly successful in solving any problem.

What are the real causes of Asperger’s syndrome?

Genetic factors and the mother’s exposure to environmental toxins such as chemicals or viruses during pregnancy are known to be effective factors in causing this disorder.

Types of Asperger syndrome

Is it possible to prevent Asperger syndrome?

Yes, it is possible. Because basically, any strategy that is proposed to prevent autism is also effective in the field of preventing Asperger’s syndrome. Currently, there are 4 solutions in this field:

According to Harvard University research, exposure of mothers to pollution and air pollutants increases the risk of developing autism in the fetus. Stay less in polluted environments during pregnancy.

Especially on the days when the amount of air pollutants reaches the maximum.

New research has shown that taking folic acid during pregnancy, especially during the first 28 days, reduces the risk of autism in the baby by 73%. So, in addition to taking iron supplements and folic acid or vitamin B9 during pregnancy and before, reconsider your diet. Especially when it comes to consuming processed foods such as sausages and sausages!
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause mental and physical disability of the fetus. So, to prevent brain disorders such as autism, consume enough iodine during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome

Autistic disorders such as Asperger syndrome are diagnosed in early childhood.

In case of correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment from childhood to adulthood, the patient continues her life with minimal problems.
People with Asperger’s syndrome have stress and anxiety, depression and hyperactivity; Your child will need to be re-evaluated to make the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of Asperger syndrome

An effective Asperger’s treatment program should expand the child’s interests, have a predictable schedule, teach tasks in simple steps, focus the child’s attention on systematic activities, and regularly reinforce the child’s behavior. Asperger’s treatment methods include the following:

Treating Asperger’s by practicing social skills:

In this method, the skills needed to establish effective relationships with other children are taught.

Treatment of Asperger’s with cognitive behavioral therapy:

Speech therapy that helps control emotions.

Treatment of Asperger’s with medication:

For diseases that coexist with Asperger’s syndrome, such as depression and anxiety

Treatment of Asperger’s with occupational therapy or physiotherapy:

It is effective for children who have problems coordinating their senses or movements.

Specialized speech or language therapy helps with the use of speech.

Teaching behavioral and support skills to parents.

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